I see you… ready to say “fuck the system” and start taking radical responsibility for your life, your health and how you’re providing for your family

I was exactly where you are…

Realizing that the life we’ve been provided by society isn’t as good and true as we thought. Learning that everything we once knew is basically bullshit.

I started analyzing everything we’ve been taught, what we were being told and how we were treated as ‘free people’. I dove down the rabbit holes and it opened my eyes up wide to what our world has become. How far we have drifted from the real way of living. How disconnected we are as a society.

From there I became obsessed with being a student, I started taking responsibility for my life, my health, my knowledge and how I was raising my kids.

The old soul in me started to call

And I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I went back to my roots, the place we all started from. I planted a garden, I got chickens, goats, donkeys. I started valuing my health and became resilient to looking after my family and raising my children in a world that I wanted.

I became a homemaker and a homekeeper

A self sufficient mama that is confident in my skills of taking care of my family. Because if shit ever went sideways - I knew we’d be fine. And even if shit doesn’t go sideways - this is the life I’ve always dreamed of. Slowing down and doing the most important job in the world. Taking care of those within my home. The world changes one happy home at a time and it all starts within those 4 walls.

So, I decided to create a community of like-minded, rebel souls, who felt the same call that I did,

The coming home to who you are meant to be

Now every month we are growing and learning in new ways. Together.

Here’s how…

You get access to healthier, wholesome, from scratch recipes that try to focus on what you can grow yourself. Learn how to make bread, bone broth, clean up your nutrition and feed your family from your garden.


Homesteading & Health

I go over our journey of raising chickens, goats and other animals around the homestead. How to grow a garden to stock your shelves, raising cows for meat and how you can improve your health in practical ways.

Preparing Your  Home

I share different methods to prepping, tips for food storage and being more self sufficient. How to grow a medicine cabinet, prep your pantry, long term food storage & more.


When you rely on the systems in place to ‘support’ you, you will easily fall into fear and worry if you don’t have access to those systems anymore. There was a point in our lineage, all of ours, when we knew recipes by memory, we had remedies stocked on our shelves that we made or purchased. We had gardens overflowing with fresh foods and a freezer stocked with meat because we had to be self sufficient. We didn’t have the ease of grocery stores like we do now.

Convenience has made us complacent. It’s led us to a lack of responsibility for our own lives and families.

Right now is the best time to take that responsibility back. To take your power back.

Get back to the basics. Back to your roots. Learn how to grow food, cook for your family, become resilient, try new things and learn new skills.

How secure and proud would you feel knowing you can provide for your family no matter what happens in the outside world?

When you join the Intentional Living Community, for only $15/month, you’ll get access too:

  • Recipes & YouTube style videos to go with them

  • Tips and Tricks for Preparing your home for the future

  • Homesteading information focused on making your family self sufficient, growing enough food to store for winter, how to raise animals to feed your family and more

  • Live Q&A Sessions and Coffee Chats in our Facebook Group

  • Telegram Community Chat

All without the bullshit. I’m doing this right alongside you, which means I’ll be sharing exactly what I’m doing, what’s worked and what’s failed. From someone who once knew nothing about any of this stuff, I want to help you get to this point too.

You can also get access to content for the entire YEAR with a one time payment and save some money.



Let’s fucking go!

Let’s talk about keeping your house together

Long have the days passed where bleach is the #1 cleaner in our homes, and flinstone vitamins the best thing to feed our kids.

In today’s world using clean products and taking care of your health is a rebellious path to walk - seems odd doesn’t it?

It’s also hard to find good, clean companies that you can trust. Ones that won’t sell out for a big paycheck or throw unnecessary dyes into your kids vitamins.

That’s why I scoured the internet and did so much research on the products in my home. I eventually landed on a company that hit all the best marks. Products made in the U.S., with ingredients I can actually find in nature. Items that aren’t loaded with chemicals or synthetic fragrance, and ones that I don’t need to worry about my kids getting into.

Keeping your home means maintaining a healthy environment for your family. What you’re using, what you’re ingesting, what you’re putting on your skin all have a massive impact on your health.

That’s why I switched to the Wellness Box - each month I order the clean products I need to keep a healthy home, from vitamins to coffee to skincare and more!

Ready to clean up your home?

You will never regret doing something to better the health of your family.